The Nation of The World of Goo

Founded: May 14, 2024
Population: 12,294,235
Charter Code: NOCeacRdS5
Owned By: Rbaughcum
GDP: $61,220,865,053,469,216
$4,979,640,055 per capita
Unemployment Rate: 0%
Independence Day
June 6, 2024

Commonwealth of The World of Goo

Total GDP: $61,220,865,166,242,136
Total Population: 12,328,281


Founded: July 26, 2024

Population: 4,446

Charter Code: QSLBdFkMHP


Founded: August 6, 2024

Population: 4,329

Charter Code: jZA8ckBjFZ


Founded: August 21, 2024

Population: 4,060

Charter Code: VW3vpCAZa1

Red rebels region

Founded: August 10, 2024

Population: 3,735

Charter Code: 7JAmaQ3fev

If we could , wood you

Founded: July 29, 2024

Population: 3,644

Charter Code: CrTnlf4kdm


Founded: August 20, 2024

Population: 3,046

Charter Code: fPQg7nWMEQ


Founded: August 5, 2024

Population: 1,669

Charter Code: QuvzvhCnD6

New Newfoundland

Founded: August 6, 2024

Population: 1,472

Charter Code: 0ZG52zfcyR


Founded: August 22, 2024

Population: 1,422

Charter Code: If8Lzbt1Tn

Vikings Landing

Founded: September 3, 2024

Population: 1,128

Charter Code: KlJVoHcXnz


Founded: July 16, 2024

Population: 1,066

Charter Code: Oj5jxJgpOV


Founded: July 23, 2024

Population: 1,058

Charter Code: JMl74ZXZuV

My Colony

Founded: August 1, 2024

Population: 834

Charter Code: ZtSNniYN0a


Founded: August 19, 2024

Population: 701

Charter Code: LWJd7TWcjq


Founded: July 29, 2024

Population: 655

Charter Code: CsQ8Kl1bXg


Founded: August 15, 2024

Population: 292

Charter Code: 5sQlUhAlbL

lool test neu

Founded: September 13, 2024

Population: 220

Charter Code: yhILwm5oSN

epic city

Founded: July 22, 2024

Population: 116

Charter Code: om9Xj1ZDNu

My Colony

Founded: August 1, 2024

Population: 32

Charter Code: Rmvg65SwZI

Capital City of Avali

Founded: September 18, 2024

Population: 26

Charter Code: OQEQGeBbbt

My Colony

Founded: September 6, 2024

Population: 21

Charter Code: zdPN1jO76u

Chelyabinsk v2

Founded: August 24, 2024

Population: 14

Charter Code: AI5vdEtG94

My Colony

Founded: August 21, 2024

Population: 10

Charter Code: AMKTSl9hYX

scarlet dawn

Founded: August 18, 2024

Population: 8

Charter Code: TnpUtMVBci


Founded: August 23, 2024

Population: 8

Charter Code: k48b91LT2U


Founded: July 25, 2024

Population: 7

Charter Code: OluQPiMdll


Founded: August 10, 2024

Population: 6

Charter Code: lY3bfZQRmA

Chelyabinsk v2r

Founded: August 24, 2024

Population: 4

Charter Code: K3i9x6N5Ad

My Colony

Founded: August 20, 2024

Population: 4

Charter Code: do0NJXCj1s

Jungle Land

Founded: August 27, 2024

Population: 4

Charter Code: ZD5L3bLcMs

Forest Grove

Founded: July 27, 2024

Population: 4

Charter Code: 9459NeBNDS


Founded: August 31, 2024

Population: 3

Charter Code: 8P1ACAQslt


Founded: September 19, 2024

Population: 2

Charter Code: ArbWqaMmAM

RRR Index: 21

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